Saturday 23 July 2022 08:30 PM Beirut Time · 134
Ghufran Duaibes Ghufran Duaibes

First Bug

problem : List of news in header should be the same language as the website

Steps to reproduce:

1- in page " home "

2- i as user i click on " news " on header

Expected Result: i as user the list appears in English

Actual Result: i as user the list appears in arabic

Attachment :

Environment: Live

Device: Laptops, Tablets , Mobiles

Second Bug

Problem : The date and time of the site must be according to the geographical location

Steps to reproduce:

1- in page " home "

2- i as user i changed my location to " USA " 

Expected Result: i as user the date and time changes to " USA "

Actual Result: i as user the time has changed for " USA " but the date remains the same

Attachment :

Environment: Live

Device: Laptops, Tablets , Mobiles

Third Bug

problem : Search using spaces should return no results

Steps to reproduce:

1- in page " home "

2- i as user i click on " search " i add spaces

Expected Result: i as user appears message " no results "

Actual Result: i as user appear all jobs Attachment :

Environment: Live

Device: Laptops, Tablets , Mobiles

Fourth Bug

problem : space should be small

Steps to reproduce:

1- in page " home "

2- i as user i I went down to " footer "

Expected Result: i as user see consistent spacing

Actual Result: i as user see big space Attachment :

Environment: Live

Device: Tablets , Mobiles

Fifth Bug

problem : Logo in footer should go to home page

Steps to reproduce:

1- in page " home "

2- i as user i click on " logo " on footer

Expected Result: i as user go to home page

Actual Result: i as user didn't go anywhere Attachment :

Environment: Live

Device: Tablets , Mobiles

Sixth Bug

problem : app store button should be working

Steps to reproduce:

1- in page " home "

2- i as user i click on " apo store button " on footer

Expected Result: i as user go to app store

Actual Result: i as user didn't go anywhere Attachment :

Environment: Live

Device: Laptops, Tablets , Mobiles

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