Cyber crime
Wednesday 14 December 2022 08:23 PM Beirut Time · 143
Anna maria hallak Anna maria hallak
Cyber crime

Today we are living in a world where mostly everyone either using internet or somehow linked to internet, but how many of us are aware of cyber crimes? So in this blog let's talk about what cyber crime is and it's types.. 

First let's talk about what cyber crime is. Cybercrime is criminal activity that either targets or uses a computer, a computer network or a networked device. Most cybercrime is committed by cybercriminals or hackers who want to make money. However, occasionally cybercrime aims to damage computers or networks for reasons other than profit. These could be political or personal.

Cybercrime can be carried out by individuals or organizations. Some cybercriminals are organized, use advanced techniques and are highly technically skilled. Others are novice hackers.

Now let's see what are it's types.. 

Phishing scams,phishing is one of the main forms of social engineering attacks, and as any social engineering attack it tries to trick unsuspecting users into giving away personal information.

Internet fraud,this type of scam usually asks people to send money promising a much larger sum in the short term. The most famous one is the “Nigerian” scam, also known as the “419” scam which is the number of the nigerian law it violates.Usually the victim receives communication from someone in need of help to move a large sum of money from a foreign country.

Online intellectual property infringements, 

Intellectual property infringements vary from the sale of counterfeit or replica goods, content piracy, patent infringement and more.

Identity theft,Identity theft is closely related to the phishing scams that were discussed earlier. As another computer as a tool cybercrimes, they existed much earlier than the Internet did, but it has certainly improved their reach and ease of execution.

Online harassment and cyberstalking:

Harassment is sadly very widespread in today’s world, even more so when people feel protected by the anonymity that the internet grants us. One of the fastest growing and most known online harassment in the last years has been revenge porn. Online harassment and cyberbullying is usually contained within social media in the form of posts, comments or direct messages. 

It is very important that we, both in our personal life and in our professional one are mindful of these and other cybercrimes and keep an eye open, especially in a time of crisis when wrongdoers proliferate.Stay smart stay safe.

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