Cyber Security
Wednesday 05 January 2022 06:02 PM Beirut Time ยท 221
Aquilina Zaarour Aquilina Zaarour
Cyber Security

Nowadays, it is very important that individuals, companies, governments - and the list goes on - have online security. Especially in an era where technology is taking over. Cyber Security is a method used to defend servers, mobile devices, computer systems, networks, and data from being accessed by others. Cyber Security could be prevented if hired experts with insights into managing these risks. Their duties include preventing, monitoring, and managing these risks if they ever appear. 
What are Cyber Threats?
Cyber Threats include 3 areas. The first one is Cyber Crime, it includes an individual or a group of individuals, and they at financial benefits, and sometimes they aim at causing disruption, which affects companies in a negative way.  Second is Cyber Attack, which is demands bigger efforts and can be aiming at political reasons, which include problems with a specific organization or its policies. Third, Cyber Terror which is much larger, and aims at creating fear and panic.
According to cyber experts, more than one million cyber attacks are attempted per day.
An example emerging nowadays is Computer Crimes. Computer Crimes are illegal actions involving special knowledge of computer technology. They include: scams, which consist of tricking people into believing something that is not true, and under scams falls phishing which is receiving emails from someone pretending to be a bank agent and then asks the other party to send his or her bank account number using a link to a fake site. Another computer crime is Denial of Service (D.O.S.) which is an attack by sending a high number of requests causing the network to stop. Also, there is malware, which are malicious programs that can damage the Hardware, Software, or Files, steal personal information, send emails, display messages, and the list goes on. Malware includes: Viruses (a program that can damage the Computer System, viruses attach themselves to different programs), Worms (a self replicating program that causes harm by deleting and/ or modifying data, and can also slow down the Computer, but unlike viruses, worms cannot don't attach themselves to other files), Trojan Horses (they appear to be something safe and attractive such as games for free or screen savers, but they can collect personal information from the Computer or delete files), and Zombie Computer (a computer or server/ network that is controlled by a cracker without your knowledge and performs D.O.S. and attacks). 
Computer criminals include: Hackers, Crackers, and Carders. Hackers are programmers who hack a computer software without having any malicious intents, and they are not considered criminals. Crackers are programmers that use computer skills to access other computer systems or networks, and they are considered criminals. As for carders, they are specialized in stealing credit cards and using the stolen cards over the internet, and they are also considered criminals. 
How can you protect Computer Security?
There are many ways to protect your Computers. So here are some advice from experts. The first one is Encryption, which is a process of converting plain or readable texts into cipher texts, or unreadable texts. The second is Antivirus and Anti Spyware and keep them updated. The third is that you don't open file attachments or links from unknown senders. Also, don't click on popup warning message, it means that your Computer is infected, you must turn off your computer and when turning it back on, run your Antivirus. Plus, use a strong password; add numbers, special characters, and upper case, and change it every few months.
 What are the types of Cyber Attacks?
It includes attempts to access personal information, such as credit card information, contact information, driver's license number, etc. 
Cyber threats are very common in big companies, because the person might want to access company data, such as confidential and top secret files and customer data.
Who can help preventing Cyber Security?
There are individuals who actually hold Cyber Security Certifications. These individuals work with the desired companies and the ones who wish to protect themselves. This helps in protecting personal data is is mandatory. 
What are the risks of having a poor Cyber Security?
A poor Cyber Security results in immeasurable risks. The reason is that Cyber Criminals aim at gathering insights into networks with security risks and vulnerability, and can access information that are private, personal, and confidential. Which means no or poor Cyber Security lead to higher risks of accessing that should never be accessible. Hence, it leads to reputation damage and even loss of customers who they will lose their trust in the companies, organizations, or even banks. Furthermore, this puts companies at risk of losing data that is sensitive and can cause great loss.
All of that calls for companies to have a strong Cyber Security.
Top ten Cyber Security Experts and Influencers to follow in 2022:
Spiros Margaris, Katie Moussouris, Brian Krebs, Daniel Miessler, Kevin Mitnick, Kaspersky, Raj Samani, Jeremiah Grossman, and Eugene Kaspersky.
You can find out more about each one of them by visiting our Website.
At WMK Tech, we can guide you to become a Cyber Security Consultant. All you need to do is visit our Website and read about top institutes who offer the program and top recruiters for this job.
You can also find a list of the top ten Cyber Security Jobs in Government Agencies across the globe. 
If you are still wondering about who can help you with your Cyber Security, then look no more! Extended Security Posture Management (XSPM) services are now available. They are continuously developing Security Tools, which puts hackers at a lower risk of succeeding in their criminal acts. Their role is simple; they determine the security posture of the organization and they suggest ways to strengthen it. What XSPM does is that it provides a level of validation that is a step beyond what other services offer at the moment. It strengthens both automated testing as well as penetration testing while also addressing their shortcomings.     


The most valuable feature of XSPM is that it provides true end-to-end validation. The validation process revolves around four distinct features that work with each other. They are: Attack Surface Management (ASM), Continuous Automated Red Teaming (CART), Breach and Attack Simulation (BAS), and Advanced Purple Teaming.                                                   


You can find out more about this service on our Website, and you can be one of those whose minds are clear because they have a strong Cyber Security that can't be broken, and all the information are safe and sound.
At WMK Tech, we provide a Training for Cyber Security, create a Cyber Security Software, and build a Cyber Security Magazine. 
Don't think twice, you should be up-to-date just like that hacker who will try to access all what you don't wish to share with others. Hurry up, it's better late than sorry!

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