Facts about human bones
Tuesday 27 December 2022 10:46 PM Beirut Time · 70
Anna maria hallak Anna maria hallak
Facts about human bones

5 facts about human bones

The skeletal system in the human body is made of bones, tendons and ligaments, all of which are necessary for our body structure, movement and to protect our internal organs. We usually tend to take our bones for granted until one is injured, broken or they become brittle from old age. Here are few interesting facts regarding bones.

Fact 1: Bones Are Alive

When we observe skeletal bones outside of the body they seem dry and hard but the bones in our body are alive and made of living tissue. All through our lives the bones in our body are constantly growing and regenerating with the help of osteoblasts. These cells are constantly helping in new bone growth during youth, while osteoclasts tend to destroy bones. This constant cycle of creation and destruction is what is better known as bone remodeling.

Fact 2: Children Have More Bones Than Adults

Adults have 206 bones in their bodies, but a baby is born with about 300 bones and cartilage. The soft and flexible cartilage fuses together to form larger bones through a process called ossification, thereby reducing the overall number of bones by adulthood.  By 25 the process of bone growth is done and your bones are as big as they will be through the rest of your life.

Fact 3: Femur is the Biggest Bin the Human Body

The femur is the long, weight bearing bone that extends from the hip to the knee. It is the strongest bone in the human body and can resist a force of up to 1,800 to 2,500 pounds.  The femur contains both red and yellow marrow as it is a long bone.

Fact 4: Stirrup is the Smallest Bone in the Human Body

The stirrup bone is the smallest bone in the human body and one of the 3 bones that make up the middle ear, measuring only 2-3 millimeters. Shaped like a “U,” this innermost bone receives sound vibrations and transfers them along to the cochlea for the brain to interpret it.

Fact 5: Hands Have the Most Bones in the Body

The hands have over 27 bones each and along with the 26 bones in each foot, arranged very similarly, make up more than half the bones in the human body. The bones in the fingers and toes are called phalanges and the fingers each contain three bones, except for the two in the thumbs. Five metacarpal bones make up the palm. While the wrists consist of eight carpals, which are small nugget shaped bones arranged in irregular rows, held together by ligaments.

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