Front-end Vs Back-end Framework
Tuesday 12 October 2021 08:39 PM Beirut Time · 373
Alok Kumar Alok Kumar
Front-end Vs Back-end Framework

If you want to become a full-stack developer then you have a lot of choices between frontend and backend frameworks. While frontend frameworks are dominated by JavaScript, there are a lot of options on the backend to create server-side applications like JavaPythonRuby, and even JavaScript.

If you look at the job description for any Full Stack Software Engineer job on Internet-based companies you will find that a full-stack software engineer is expected to know front-end technologies like ES-next, Babel, ReactReduxBootstrap, LESS, etc. and back-end skill like PythonDjango, Graphene (GraphQL), REST, MySQL, DynamoDB, Redis, Docker, etc.

Top 10 Front-End and Back-end Frameworks for Full-Stack Developers in 2021

1. React.js [Frontend + JavaScript]

2. Spring Boot [Backend + Java]

3. Angular [Frontend + JavaScript]

4. Node.js [Backend + JavaScript]

5. Django [Frontend + Backend + Python]

6. Flask [Backend + Python]

7. Bootstrap [Frontend + CSS]

8. jQuery [Frontend + JavaScript]

9. Ruby on Rails [Backend + Ruby]

10. GraphQL [Backend + JavaScript]

Back-end Languages:

Ruby, Python, and PHP are among the three most popular Back End languages. There are other server-side languages along with database management languages like SQL. 

Ruby is a general-purpose, object-oriented programming language. That means it’s used widely and treats everything as an object. The philosophy behind Ruby, which emphasizes the human and favors expressiveness, has made it incredibly popular among developers and startups. Ruby on Rails is an incredibly popular framework used to help develop websites and applications by streamlining the development process. Avi Flombaum, our co-founder and dean, has written extensively about Ruby and why he loves the programming language.

Python is another general purpose, object-oriented programming language. Python is used to code server-side logic and many popular websites, including Reddit and Instagram, are built upon Python. The language is easily scalable with frameworks like Django. Python has become increasingly popular due to its applications in machine learning and data science.

PHP is another server-side scripting language that can also be used to develop websites. It’s open source and free, which means it’s a versatile tool to create dynamic websites.

Front-end Languages:

Top 10 Front End Programming Languages
  • HTML.
  • CSS.
  • Javascript.
  • React.
  • Vue.
  • TypeScript.
  • Elm.
  • JQuery.


Another best front end development language to consider and that is React. For those not yet familiar with React, this development language is a Javascript library created by Facebook. A user interface library, React is ideal for those wanting to build UI components onto a web page. 

Allowing users to create dynamic pages, sites that are built using React are typically faster and can switch between different elements smoothly and swiftly. 


Are you looking for a simple and easy to use best front end development language? If this sounds like you, then look no further than Vue,js. Promising smooth and engaging web pages and single-page web applications, there is little that Vue.js cannot offer.


One of the youngest of best front end development languages and that is Elm. Working with JavasScript, if you are a front end developer looking to create a fast site with minimal running errors, then look no further than Elm.

With the architecture taken from Redux, Elm allows users to create client-facing websites without the negatives quirks witnessed with HTML and CSS. 

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