History of Google
Friday 16 December 2022 08:47 PM Beirut Time · 180
Anna maria hallak Anna maria hallak
History of Google

When was the last time that you searched something on Google? Not long ago, right?

Do you know the Google search engine processes more than 40,000 search queries every second which means 3.5 billion searches per day and typically 1.2 trillion searches per year.

There’s no doubt that Google is one of the biggest inventions in the history of the internet. It is not that Google is the first of its kind, search engines have been around since the early days of internet.So, how did Google go on to become what it is today? or what is the history of Google?

So in this blog let's talk about history of Google. Let’s begin:

It all began in the summer of 1995, when Larry Page and Sergey Brin met at the Stanford University, where the former was considering Stanford for a grad, while latter was already two years into the program. Though their earlier encounters were filled with some disagreements due to the fact that both of them were highly intellectual, they still used to discuss about a lot of things.

They eventually ended up striking a partnership. They built a search engine that considered back links as an important factor while ranking individual pages. They named it Backrub. It considered pages with higher number of links to be of more use and hence ranked them higher in search results. Initially, the engine ran on Stanford servers, but gradually started clogging up much space and as a result was later registered as Google . com on September 15th, 1997.

In 1997, both Page and Brin decided to rename Backrub to Google. The word Google is basically a play on the word Googol – a mathematical term for 1 followed by 100 zeros.

In August 1998, Sun Microsystems’ co-founder Andy Bechtolsheim, who was a former PhD student at Stanford wrote Larry and Brin a check for $100,000 which eventually founded the official Google Inc. The newly born team decided to move out from the dorm rooms to their first office, which happened to be a Garage in suburban Menlo Park, California. Ironically, the present CEO of YouTube – Susan Wojcicki, was the owner of that garage.

Do you know Google launched its first Doodle of the Burning Man festival in Nevada. Since then, the Doodle is regularly updated to new themes and celebrations.

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