Host your website using GitHub pages
Monday 11 July 2022 03:28 PM Beirut Time · 88
Zaynab Hojeij Zaynab Hojeij
Host your website using GitHub pages

GitHub provides free hosting service for static website which is called GitHub pages.

Let’s start by creating a new repository on your GitHub account and then clone it to the directory you want to clone it in using the terminal by typing “git clone ‘the link you’ve copied’”. Move into your project using “cd name of your project” then open it in visual studio by typing “code. “.

Now in visual studio create a file named index.html and write your code there. Next, we have to push this code into GitHub by typing in Visual Studios’ terminal:

1-     “Git status”: to know if we’re in the main branch because when GitHub pages ran it will look to the main branch and its code by default

2-     “Git add .” : to add all the changes

3-     “Git commit -m initialcommit”: to commit the changes

4-     “Git push origin main”: this will push the code to GitHub repository

Now after we have pushed the project to GitHub repository, the last step is to get the website hosted by GitHub pages. In GitHub go to settings of my repository, then to GitHub pages and choose the source branch main and save it. Refresh the page, you will find your site ready to be published, click on it and congrats your website is ready.

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