Friday 09 December 2022 08:03 PM Beirut Time · 153
Anna maria hallak Anna maria hallak

One of this year’s most popular buzzwords is “metaverse,” earlier mentioned by key industry bigwigs who know a thing or three about technology—that guy who created Facebook (we believe his name is Mark), and Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft.So in our today’s topic lets talk about what actually metaverse is.. Understanding the metaverse is super complex. For most of us who may have heard it the first time, the word “metaverse” might’ve inspired feelings of perplexity, vagueness, or even confusion, because to be totally honest, we have a lot of questions, like—what exactly is a metaverse, are we about to live inside a videogame(!?), and, to quote Gerri from the critically acclaimed HBO drama Succession: how will it further serve our interests as we go through our daily lives?

Infact if i talk frankly then metaverse a term is so confusing.Good folks from Wired Magazine provided an exercise that may help readers get a sense of how broad and complex the term “metaverse” is: mentally replace the phrase “the metaverse” in a sentence with “cyberspace.” Still confused because of the similarities? Don’t worry, you’re not alone.

In an attempt to simplify, Metaverse can be defined as “a combination of multiple elements of technology, including virtual reality, augmented reality, and video, where users ‘live’ within a digital universe” Its sudden popularity is not a surprise almost inevitable as the current state of today’s digital world requires connection, personalization, virtual collaboration, and constant innovation.

In recent years, we have witnessed the rise of digital technologies that tie real-life experiences with anything virtual. Nowadays, the metaverse’s vision of a “more centralized virtual world” is no longer an idea floating around. We’ve been seeing it unfold little by little as time goes by, from video games that blur the lines between real life and fantasy (Animal Crossing, Minecraft, Fortnite, and Roblox, just to name a few) 

Words of Mark zuckerberg are..Today i think we look at the internet But in future you are going to be in experiences..

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