Thursday 29 December 2022 10:17 PM Beirut Time · 104
Anna maria hallak Anna maria hallak

Several mental illness like psychosis can lead to a tragedy like this, that people can see things that aren’t real and hear things that aren’t real and believe things that aren’t real. And act in that distorted reality. 

We may hear and know about many mental illness and disorders, but what i think and what I’m going to tell you about, is the most dangerous mental disorder “psychosis” 

First, let’s make it clear.. why psychosis considers as a dangerous mental disorder? 

People with psychosis may behave in confusing and unpredictable ways and may become threatening or violent. However, people with psychotic symptoms are more likely to harm themselves than someone else

And that’s why psychosis is a dangerous mental illness. But wait!! This is just the beginning. 

Psychosis is a very big illness that has many types. Let’s discuss them together 

The five different symptoms for psychosis are: 

- Delusions 

- Hallucinations 

- Disorganized thoughts 

- Disorganized behavior 

- Negative symptoms 

Ok, but how this mental disorder can be caused

There are 4 main causes for psychosis: 

- genetic cause (maternal genetics or any other family member) 

- Mental (psychological) condition 

- Alcohol or drug misuse 

- General medical condition 

Unfortunately yes, what are you reading now i know is so terrible, and why we consider psychosis as a dangerous disorder. 

“Schizophrenia” is a kind of psychotic disorder too, but what is “schizophrenia”? 

Schizophrenia is a serious mental disorder in which people interpret reality abnormally. Schizophrenia may result in some combination of hallucinations, delusions, and extremely disordered thinking and behavior that impairs daily functioning, and can be disabling. People with schizophrenia require lifelong treatment.

More simply, schizophrenic people may see things that are not real (delusions) and hear things that are not real (hallucinations) 

After these dangerous, let’s talk about the treatment of psychosis and check if this disorder can be cured or not 

Antipsychotic medicines, also known as neuroleptics, are usually recommended as the first treatment for psychosis. They work by blocking the effect of dopamine, a chemical that transmits messages in the brain. However, they're not suitable or effective for everyone, as side effects can affect people differently.

But can it be fully cured? 

For many people, there is no quick and simple treatment for psychosis, but with the right support it is possible to manage the symptoms of psychosis and recover. This does not mean that the experience of psychosis will go away entirely. You may find that you still experience symptoms during and after treatment.

So guys, stay cool stay safe and maybe you cannot deal with the genetic illness, but you can take the precautions for the other causes for a specific illness.

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