React, Vue, Angular
Saturday 09 October 2021 12:25 AM Beirut Time · 192
Alok Kumar Alok Kumar
React, Vue, Angular

React is a UI library, Angular is a fully-fledged front-end framework, while Vue. js is a progressive framework. They can be used almost interchangeably to build front-end applications, but they're not 100 percent the same, so it makes sense to compare them and understand their differences.

React is based on JavaScript, but it’s mostly combined with JSX (JavaScript XML), a syntax extension that allows you to create elements that contain HTML and JavaScript at the same time.

Anything you create with JSX could also be created with the React JavaScript API, but most developers prefer JSX because it’s more intuitive.

The Vue.js core library focuses on the View layer only. It’s called a progressive framework because you can extend its functionality with official and third-party packages, such as Vue Router or Vuex, to turn it into an actual framework.

With Vue, you’ll be working mostly on the ViewModel layer, to make sure that the application data is processed in a way that allows the framework to render an up-to-date View.

Projects in Angular are structured into ModulesComponents, and Services. Each Angular application has at least one root component and one root module.

Each component in Angular contains a Template, a Class that defines the application logic, and MetaData (Decorators). The metadata for a component tells Angular where to find the building blocks that it needs to create and present its view.

What is Framework?

Every programming language features a syntax and a particular set of rules, which need to be followed every time the code is written. A software framework is built on top of a programming language. For example, Rails, also known as Ruby on Rails, is a web framework built on top of the Ruby programming language.

What are the Framework Languages?

- Java

- Vue




-Ionic framework


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