Sustainable life
Monday 12 December 2022 07:02 PM Beirut Time · 165
Anna maria hallak Anna maria hallak
Sustainable life

“Going back to a simple life is not a step backward.”Sustainable living is the best living if we really know how to do it..So in this topic lets talk about sustainable living..

Less stuff, more life.

Creating a sustainable life and society, requires we recognise and embrace those qualities that give our life meaning and are prepared to shed old habits that are unsustainable.

So what can actually create sustainable life?Lets discuss about it…

Our gardens can bring us closer to understanding theecosystems that underpin life on this planet and how to live in harmony with the earth.Our home and garden can be a healthy Eden of self-sufficiency or a bottomless pit of resource-consuming ecological inefficiency…

Too many pesticides, herbicides and fungicides 

in your food? Try 

eating organic.Avoid eating Genetically Modified (GM) Food and demand more thorough testing and mandatory labelling of genetic crops 

and foods.Avoid bottles water.Avoid eating endangered fishes.Try to adopt vegetarian diet..

From toilet paper to chairs, jackets to dog leads, there 

are many recycled products that are excellent quality, 

so consider buying recycled when you buy.Buy paper and wood responsibly.Try to buy second hand goods of wooden.Avoid excessive packaging of things.

The majority of the services we receive from our governments, health care providers, banks, etc. are configured 

for financial efficiency (saving money or making it).Choose green servi providers.Try to completely shift to solar energy systems.

Most of us still use the car as our primary mode of transport. However, one-quarter of all car journeys are less than three kilometres.Use public transportations.Do car pooling.Avoid going alone in cars.

Travel and work with local communities to protect endangered species, enhance the local environment and support the social and economic wellbeing of the communities we visit.Help spread the word about actions we can all take to reduce our impact on the environment.

The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it…Its our planet its our duty.Contribute in saving it by sustainable living….

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