Teenagers fashion
Thursday 08 December 2022 04:28 PM Beirut Time · 252
Anna maria hallak Anna maria hallak
Teenagers fashion

Girls never stop playing dress up 

As i already did a blog about fashion, today i would like to share interesting topic for our beautiful young ladies concerning their kind fashion and style. 

Teenagers are the kids that they like to be called as adults 

Everyone of us had passed in the teen ages and we know what do they feel and how do they think. 

Some had described the teenagers especially girls that their eyes are not blind anymore, and what that means that they started to fly out of the childhood cage. 

So many things start to change in them or in the way they think, like: putting makeup, and changing their fashion in order to look as a young adult girl. 

So as we discussed yesterday about fashion and style, today we are going to discuss about teenagers fashion. 

First, what is the perfect fashion style for a teenager girl? 

So first, let’s run away of the traditional clothes that we used to, like wearing tight and low-rise jeans, with a normal traditional shirt 

But you may say it’s the only style you have in your closet

No worries.. we can make a changes through these clothes. But how?? 

There are some tiny tips about how to change your style, and these includes: 

- Wear colors, why are you always attached to Jeans or what we call a “mom-Jeans”, pick a different choice, like choose a white or colored pants with a solid color shirt 

- While you’re wearing a jacket or coat in winter, you can add a scarf on your shoulders which may change your all style and makes you look different and makes you warmer 

- Add some accessories that may suit your outfit such as a belt, long necklace, some rings and earrings 

- And try to avoid being one color dressed, but add some colors to your style and that will make your day colorful

Wait that is not everything 

Let’s do some changes in ourselves too 

Let’s try to follow these steps day by day and see how the changes will occur by itself 

So first of all, you have to drink water as you’re depending on it, give your body a 2.5 to 3 liters of water daily and it will lead to changes in your skin type, energetic  and flexible body 

Second, use a natural products as makeup, wait a minute, do you know that pomegranate makes your lips and cheeks looks rosy 

And finally, always keep hydrated and moisturized, use perfumes and body splashes in order to keep your smell calling others to you. 

In the end, we only regret the the change we didn’t take fashion risks that bombed.

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