TikTok Spoke About New Business Solutions At The TikTok Summit & Awards Business Forum
Friday 12 November 2021 06:09 PM Beirut Time · 1132
Wajdi Alkayal Wajdi Alkayal
TikTok Spoke About New Business Solutions At The TikTok Summit & Awards Business Forum

On October 19, the leading platform for viewing and creating short videos, TikTok, hosted the TikTok Summit & Awards, its first official business forum in Eastern Europe. During the forum, platform experts spoke about the latest innovative solutions for TikTok For Business.

TikTok has changed the way we create and consume content today, giving creators new ways to share their stories and creativity, and brands to engage audiences and communicate their messages to consumers through creative and original content.

The creative atmosphere of the TikTok community, combined with technological innovation, allows the platform to create effective tools to promote businesses of all sizes. At the TikTok Summit & Awards forum, TikTok For Business representatives spoke about the tools that are already available, as well as those that will be launched in the near future. We present you with an overview of the main solutions that were presented at the business forum.

Tools to strengthen engagement between brands and creators on TikTok

TikTok brings together a community of creators whose main values  are creativity and freedom of expression, which make the platform attractive to a billion users. Brands come to the platform to create their own content and build a dialogue with their audience. Therefore, one of the priorities of TikTok is to create high-quality interaction between brands and creators.

  • TikTok Creator Marketplace is a platform that helps brands find suitable content authors for collaboration, and helps authors find reliable partners in the face of brands. The tool includes a large number of filters, such as audience size, subject matter and others, which will help you select creators for the brand’s tasks.
  • Customized Instant Page is a lightweight landing page that instantly appears when the user clicks on a CTA (call to action) or when switching from a promotional video and loads 11 times faster than regular mobile pages. The user does not have to waste time waiting: he can immediately get detailed information about the product and view more content without leaving the application.

New tools for interacting with content

TikTok works to ensure that the dialogue between the brand and the user is not one-sided, and so that the audience can influence and interact with the advertising content that is shown to them.

  • Pop-Out Showcase is the ability to overlay clickable pop-up elements on the video that stimulate interest and additional interaction of the audience with the advertising content. Pop-up elements can appear at specific times of the video, make advertisements brighter and lead the user to an embedded or external brand page.
  • Super Like 2.0 and Gesture Ads solutions enable a brand to empower users when interacting with ads. So, Super Like prolongs the user’s interaction with the brand, opening up additional external resources with content for him. And through the interactive Gesture Ads, the audience can receive gifts and pleasant surprises: for example, discounts, the ability to create a TikTok video together with a brand, learn more about a product, or purchase it right away.
  • The Story Selection tool is in the final stages of development, thanks to which the user can become a part of the brand’s storytelling: open more videos and dive deeper into the content (using the Video Gallery function) or independently choose which of the two plot twists of the narrative the story will take (Video Selection) …

All of these solutions are just a subset of the tools that allow advertisers to create more engaging TikTok videos and get Tiktok views.

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