5 GitHub Repositories for learning developers
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Wajdi Alkayal Wajdi Alkayal

5 GitHub Repositories for learning developers...

For programmers and budding developers, GitHub is always the first choice to explore and learn new tech. It is the home of some of the most interesting and famous open source projects. It is also a great place for sharing resources of all kinds, from free books to APIs, from roadmaps to project ideas.

Having a massive collection of repositories under the hood, it has always been a tedious task to find good GitHub repos. In this article, we will look at a few repositories that I have found useful to build/improve skills in software development.

1. developer-roadmap

With over 178k+⭐, This repository is great for those looking for a career in software web development. The repository focuses on Front-end, Back-end and DevOps career tracks. The repository covers all the skills and technology required for each of these paths. It also provides a strategy to learn these skills in a structured manner.

2. Build your own X

If you are someone who doesn't get the theory part and always want to know what goes behind this repository is a daily stop for you. It has links to the resources which help you build your own Cryptocurrency, Database, Bots, BitTorrent Clients, and many more.

3. free-programming-books

Reading a book is still one of the best ways to learn a new topic. This repository has a massive collection of free programming books useful for learning all sorts of technology.Buying a book is often costly. Fortunately for us, there are many free books available on the internet for developers.

4. coding-interview-university

This repository will help you land a job in FAANG companies, curated by the software engineer at amazon this is a full preparation guide on cracking the toughest interviews. It also has links to the flashcards for quickly brushing up your knowledge and stay updated.

5. system-design-primer


This is a great repository for developers that teaches how to design large-scale systems. The repo provides an organized collection of resources for this broad topic. System Design is a must known topic for most of the tech-interviews hence, this is the perfect stop to learn system design.

Bonus😉 for JS developers..

6. javascript-algorithms

If you are in web-development and want to learn DSA have a look at this amazing repository that presents JavaScript-based examples of many popular algorithms and data structures. Furthermore, each algorithm and data structure has related explanations and YouTube video links for further reading.

Hope you will learn a lot. Happy coding! 🚀👨‍💻

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