5 Ways AI is Transforming HR & Payroll in Big Business

by WMKTECH November 4, 2021


Here are 5 ways AI is transforming HR and payroll in big business

The Human Resources department is one of the busiest departments in every business due to the nature of its work.

This department is tasked with recruiting employees, managing and training them, and paying their salaries.

This means that businesses try as much as possible to streamline the operations of this department through the adoption of different solutions such as those powered by artificial intelligence.

However, due to the multiple tasks handled by this department, most HR professionals have less time to think about the different ways they scale and improve their processes. This slows down their work and affects the operations of the entire business.

That notwithstanding, some businesses have adopted the use of AI in HR, making things easy for their managers in different ways. Such businesses have been able to;


Automate HR Tasks

One of the biggest gains of adopting AI in HR is the automation of time-consuming and repetitive tasks.

Most of the time, HR professionals are not able to increase engagement with their employees because they spend a larger percentage of their time handling administrative tasks. This includes things like payroll processing, data handling, and the generation of reports.

However, AI has made it possible for businesses to automate these tasks. For instance, HR professionals are able to use tools such as pay stub maker to automatically generate pay stubs – documents that show all the payment details of an employee.

With such tasks being automated, the HR staff can focus on other tasks for the continued growth of the business.


Understand Employee Skill Set and Increase their Retention

Businesses spend a lot of money on recruitment, training, and onboarding of employees. This explains the reason why most of them prefer keeping their employees for as long as possible.

However, it is quite difficult for businesses to identify and retain top talent. This is where investing in AI becomes important.

AI allows HR teams to analyze the performance of their employees and predict what they need. Even though some businesses have tried to do this using traditional surveys, they do not get personalized reports as those generated by AI solutions.

AI solutions can report on the performance and accomplishments of different employees, something that helps in understanding their (employees) skill set. 


Predict Employees Requirements

Every business wants to keep its best employees for as long as it can. However, for them to achieve this, they need to make sure that the employees have everything that they want for them to stay.

It gets quite difficult for HR professionals to predict what their employees want without the help of AI systems.

Investing in AI makes it easy for HR managers to predict the demands of their employees and make adjustments in good time.

In addition, employers can use AI systems to develop reward systems based on their employees’ performance and even predict those employees that are most likely to resign. This helps the business to plan ahead. 


Provide Feedback to Employees

Apart from hiring and firing staff members, HR departments are also tasked with providing feedback to the business’s employees.

Today, most employees are not afraid of resigning when their requirements are not met. They need a good experience and value at their workplace. As such, they need to work for a company that fuels their career growth.

However, this becomes difficult since HR professionals have so many things that they need to do. That notwithstanding, businesses can employ a solution using AI systems.

These systems can evaluate the performance of different employees then create reports on how they compare with their peers.

This way, the AI systems can assess their strengths and suggest the areas that the employees need to improve. This improves the ability to provide feedback to the employees.


Identify Patterns in Attrition Rates

The attrition rate of a business can be defined as the rate at which employees leave the business.

As discussed above, every business would like to keep its best employees for as long as they can. However, as much as this is difficult, HR professionals can identify patterns in their attrition rates using AI systems. 

A high rate of attrition should be a cause for concern for any business. This is because it could be caused by things such as toxic culture that could do more harm to the entire business from within.

Identifying these patterns makes it easy for HR professionals to interrogate what could be wrong and take the right measures towards correcting the issues.



Advancements in technology have made everything easy and changed how businesses operate. Adopting AI solutions in running a business is very important in streamlining operations and cutting costs in HR departments.

It is also important in ensuring that employees and HR professionals spend time doing more important tasks for the growth of their businesses.