Beginner Developer
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Haneen salman Haneen salman

There are many developer jobs, from web and app developer to software engineer.. but all involve creating and coding computer software.

To begin with, HTML and CSS are core technologies for building web pages. HTML is used to define a structure of a web page. CSS is used to style the web pages by using different styling features.

HTML and CSS are not technically programming languages, they are page structure and style information.

A simple example: if HTML is a dry wall, CSS is the painting.

A full-stack developer is a mix of back-end and front-end developer.

To start with back-end developer, there is a programming language called PHP where its used to manage dynamic database and build e-commerce sites. PHP scripts are written on a server where front-end or client side code can interact with.

Next comes Laravel framework, a web application framework that eases common tasks used in majority of web projects.

To save these data, database language is present. Also known as query languages or data query languages, which is a classification of programming languages that developers use to define and access databases, which are collections of organized data that users can access electronically. 

MySQL, Oracle, mongoDB, are all database managements systems used for purposes including e-commerce, logging applications...

* Postman & API'S

Postman: is an application used for API testing. Developers use it as tester to test codes using it.

API: allows software applications to communicate with each other via API calls. A simple example of it: client ---> network--> server.

QA tester, QA automation engineer must know API & Postman programs.

Postman converts API to various code languages like JavaScript & Python.

* JavaScript & React

JavaScript: is a programming language used for creating web pages. It allows us to add special effects to it and enables interaction of websites to visitors.

React ( front-end developer) used for development of mobile and web applications. Its main purpose is to be fast and simple.

A website using React has advantage in terms of speed and is more attractive to users and web crawlers (like Google, Bing)

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