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Wajdi Alkayal Wajdi Alkayal

This article features top cutting edge technologies custom software development in 2022

The world is changing at a rapid pace, but the high-tech market does it twice as fast. Fively as a custom software development company makes every effort not only to develop quality products according to our client’s needs but to do it using the smartest and most advanced technologies, surpassing their desires. Today we will tell more about the high-tech solutions and agile methodologies which we will use to create software for our clients in 2022:


Cloud Computing

Reengineering and digitalisation services are in high demand on the market at momentum, as the question of moving desktop-based apps to cloud computing platforms is vital for many small companies and large corporations. Migration to AWS or Azure cloud servers with all the related works on code refactoring and encapsulation, as well as the development of the remote expert solutions and single-instance cloud solutions from scratch are important parts of our custom software development services. Shifting to the cloud gives our clients much more scalability, operability and transparency over data resources, as information on the cloud is available 24/7 and it’s totally secure.


Cross-platform Scalable Solutions

Our engineers love to find out-of-the-box solutions for complex and for everyday tasks, testing them in all sorts of contexts. When we find a perfect solution, we integrate what we learned into other fields. For example, we collected our unique react material UI components and styles together and made them available for free at our Figma kit. We collected all our collaboration platforms development practices and front-end expertise together to create one of the best custom webinar platforms WebinarNinja. By keeping our minds open, we find the best technical solutions in every single case, meaning operability and further scalability of our products in mind, making sure that our clients get the most out of their investments and enjoy the full benefits of custom software development by Five.  


Big Data

The volume of data in the world grows exponentially. Eric Schmidt, Google’s former CEO, noticed that within a span of 100,000 years, till 2003, people have created only 0.5% of a zettabyte of data, and today, it takes us only 2 days to create that amount. To make use of it, software developers create mathematical analytics programs filtering large data marts into usable information. This technology is called Big Data. It helps companies to make decisions more quickly and accurately than ever before, and being used in our software development solutions like custom CRM for a European mobile charging provider, it optimizes production and streamlines the overall company’s operations.



Cryptocurrencies are steadily growing in popularity, and after the recent promotion of dogecoins by such an important figure as Elon Musk the interest in cryptocurrencies has grown twice as high. At the same time, people are seeking a safe way of managing and transferring their digital currency to fiat ones, and blockchain can solve this problem. Being a secure corruption-free technology, it allows to record and management transactions of digital currencies and anything else that has value in a decentralized and transparent way. Plus, it has its own “wallet” app for keeping cryptocurrencies, so there is no need for a middleman: people and companies can purchase everything on their own. The same concerns the trading sector, as with the help of blockchain trade confirmations are made right on the go, and no clearance from auditors is needed. Here our company also serves as a custom software development consultant, helping our clients to choose the best-fitted blockchain-based solution and fulfill their desires about the product.


Artificial Intelligence

AI is a branch of computer science aimed at building smart machines, systems, or robots capable of performing tasks that require human-like intelligence. Such machines are able to acquire and learn the information for future use, make data-based predictions, and correct them if needed. Custom software development solutions written with the help of AI have almost unlimited capabilities. AI-based predictive analytics is widely used in applications for marketers, just like in one of our recent projects. It allows companies to predict consumer purchase behavior, get the needed KPIs faster, and scale the results gained. In the education field AI easily creates personalised adaptive tutorials, games, and programs for students, making learning more comfortable and effective. In insurance, it is widely used for claims processing, fraud detection, and other routine tasks. The range of its use goes beyond any domain, and we try to use it to the full in our custom software development.


Integrating New Technologies

Custom web software development doesn’t always mean building a project from scratch or getting rid of old technologies, as sometimes the client still needs them to work as a part of the new system. We can help to refactor and upgrade the existing software, integrating new technologies into it at the same time, so the client can get the most out of the current solution.

Putting all the above-mentioned and many other cutting-edge technologies together, we get the most innovative custom software development solutions. Going beyond the code and listening to our clients’ pains and needs, we create products that combine best practices and stay up-to-date as long as possible. If you want to experience a smooth and efficient development process, we are always ready to start working on your project or give you a free consultation with our software specialists.

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