Electric vehicles
· 88
Anna maria hallak Anna maria hallak

The electric vehicle (EV) revolution is speeding up, but it can only go so far without the necessary infrastructure and technology. As thinking shifts from fossil fuels to all-electric, visions of a brighter, more optimistic world come into view. The UK government’s pledge to ban the sale of all new non-electric cars, including gasoline, diesel and hybrid vehicles from 2035, highlights the drive to end the nation’s contribution to Climate Change by 2050.In this blog let's talk about electronic vehicles and their benifits in future. 

If the 2035 target is to be met, we will all see evolutions in the transport and mobility routines that keep our lives moving.But what are electronic vehicles? An electric vehicle (EV) is a mode of transport which is powered by electricity. Unlike conventional vehicles that use a gasoline (petrol) or diesel-powered engine, electric cars and trucks use an electric motor powered by electricity from batteries or a fuel cell.

There are many benifits of electronic vehicles let's discuss some.. 

- The running cost of an electric vehicle is much lower than an equivalent petrol or diesel vehicle. Electric vehicles use electricity to charge their batteries instead of using fossil fuels like petrol or diesel.

- Electric vehicles have very low maintenance costs because they don’t have as many moving parts as an internal combustion vehicle. The servicing requirements for electric vehicles are lesser than the conventional petrol or diesel vehicles.

- Driving an electric vehicle can help you reduce your carbon footprint because there will be zero tailpipe emissions.

- The availability of fossil fuels is limited, and their use is destroying our planet. Toxic emissions from petrol and diesel vehicles lead to long-term, adverse effects on public health. The emissions impact of electric vehicles is much lower than petrol or diesel vehicles.

- Electric vehicles don’t have gears and are very convenient to drive. There are no complicated controls, just accelerate, brake, and steer. 

- Imagine being at a busy fuel station during peak hours, and you are getting late to reach your workplace. These problems can easily be overcome with an electric vehicle.

Electric cars don't leave smoke behind or let out dangerous exhaust. Electric cars are friends with the ecosystem; consequently they are the top one in zero pollution in the world.

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