Flutter vs. React Native: Which One to Choose in 2021?
· 961
Wajdi Alkayal Wajdi Alkayal
What is Flutter? 


Flutter is a cross-platform mobile app development framework developed by Google. It gives developers an easy way to build and deploy visually attractive, natively compiled applications for mobile (iOS, Android), web, and desktop, all using a single code base.

Now that you know what the two frameworks are, look at some of the differences between the two. 

Flutter vs. React Native



  • React Native - React Native is entirely written in JavaScript using React. This is an advantage for React Native since JavaScript is one the of most popularly used languages in the world today. 
  • Flutter - Flitter is written using a language called Dart. Dart is a programming language introduced by Google in 2011 and rarely used by developers. 

User Interface


  • React Native - React Native is based more on native components for both Android and iOS devices. It offers an extensive collection of external UI kits that helps in creating beautiful user interfaces for your applications. 
  • Flutter - Flutter uses proprietary visual, structural, platform, and interactive widgets. These widgets are built-in UI components that replace native platform components. 



  • React Native - React leverages JavaScript to connect to native components via a bridge. As a result, the speed of development and running time is slower than Flutter. 
  • Flutter - There is no interconnecting bridge for initiating interactions with the device’s native components. Hence, interactions with native components are faster, improving the overall performance of the application.



  • React Native - React Native offers general documentation. The framework depends on external dev kits extensively. The documentation is not as straightforward as that of Flutters.
  • Flutter - It provides documentation that is easy to read, thanks to its format and detailed content. The documentation is also more streamlined and straightforward.



  • React Native - React Native is widely adopted and is a more popular app development framework than Flutter. React developers can quickly develop react native mobile apps, which encourages more developers to use this framework. 
  • Flutter - Flutter is relatively new, and though it has gained some attention lately, it is still way behind in developer count. Since Dart is a new language, the adoption rate among developers is slightly lower.

Community Support


  • React Native - React Native, released as open-source on GitHub in 2015, is the most popular framework on Stack Overflow and is backed by a vast community with over 310,507 tagged questions.  
  • Flutter - Flutter is a relatively new framework that has a smaller community. However, more and more developers are adopting it slowly. It has over 89,638 questions on Stack Overflow.

Industry Trends

  • React Native - According to the recent StackOverflow survey of 2019, 62.5% of developers loved React Native. Since it has been around for a while now and uses React and JavaScript, it leads to better job opportunities. 
  • Flutter - Flutter ranked higher with 65.4%. Flutter is comparatively new and is used less by companies. This leads to fewer job opportunities. However, this may not be the case a few years from now.

Here are some of the companies using React Native.


Some of the companies using Flutter are.


Now that you know the difference between the two, here’s a comprehensive table for your convenience.


React Native



JavaScript is popular

Dart is a new language

User Interface

External UI kits, more UI options

Pre-built widgets, lesser UI customizations


Comparatively slower

Fast as it avoids bridges



Simple and streamlined


More popular and widely adopted

Less popular

Community Support


Relatively small

Industry Trends

Better job prospects

Fewer jobs, bound to increase in the future

So with that, you can conclude that in the battle of Flutter vs. React Native, React Native is a better option to use, at least for now. 

Master the fundamentals of React including JSX, props, state, and events. Consider the React.js Certification Training Course. Enroll now!

Next Steps

We hope this article on Flutter vs. React Native gave you some clarity on the two frameworks. If you wish to learn React and become a frontend developer, then course certification will come in handy. 

The React JS Training Course from Simplilearn will teach you the essentials of React, including JSX, props, state, and events, which is an important web framework for designing user interfaces. This Redux training course covers topics such as reducers, actions, and the state tree.

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