How to keep your phone battery from dying
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Anna maria hallak Anna maria hallak

Make it Last: How to Keep Your Phone Battery From Dying

Just like humans, smartphones are capable of impressive accomplishments—but if they’re constantly running ahead at full speed, they’ll burn out pretty quickly. And there’s nothing worse than looking down at your phone and realizing the battery is running out of juice—or worse yet, that it’s already completely dead.

Before you get to the point where you find yourself desperately searching for an outlet or someone around you who has a charger, check out these tips for making sure your phone battery never dies.

Turn Down the Brightness

One of the easiest ways to prolong your battery life is to turn down the screen brightness. I know this is an obvious tip, but it’s been shown that lowering the brightness really does make a difference. So if you aren’t doing it yet—make the change now!

Mind Your Apps

Many popular apps are notorious battery-guzzlers, especially ones that are heavy on graphics or audio. Video games—especially free versions with ads—are the biggest culprits, so save Angry Birds for a time when you’re near an outlet.And remember to close your apps, rather than just minimizing them. 

Turn Off the Wi-Fi Connection

When your Wi-Fi connection is turned on, your phone is hard at work looking for a hotspot. While connecting to the nearest Wi-Fi signal can be great for saving money on your data plan, it can also be a huge battery drainer. Turn the Wi-Fi off and connect to it only when you must.

Turn on Airplane Mode

Switching to airplane mode isn’t just for those times when you’re flying the friendly skies—it’s a great way to conserve your battery in a pinch. The downside is that you won’t be able to make or receive calls or text messages or connect to the web, but it can be great to conserve your battery power for when you truly need it.

Lose the Location Services

Location services use GPS technology to pinpoint your precise location. Letting your smartphone find out where you are is super useful if you’re navigating in an unfamiliar area (or checking in on Foursquare), but it can also be a sneaky battery-drainer. Make sure your location service setting is disabled and turn it on only when you really need it.

If you’re constantly on the go, consider investing in a case that does double duty as a phone charger. These are a wide selection of cases that hold a full charge’s worth of power and can double the life of your battery, and you can turn them on for a burst of power whenever you need it.

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