HTML basics
· 191
aya hammoud aya hammoud
  1. <!DOCTYPE> declaration:It must appear only once,it represents the document type ,and help the browsers to display web pages correctly.

➡️<!DOCTYPE html>⬅️ 

2.HTML Headings: It consist of 6 headings from <h1> to <h6>tags.

➡️<h1>The most important</h1>⬅️

➡️<h6>The least important</h6>⬅️

3.HTML paragraphs:It defines that the contents of the tag is paragraph

➡️<p> paragraph</p>⬅️

4.HTML links: They are  defined by <a> tag.

➡️<a href=source link></a>⬅️

5.HTML images:They are defined by <img> tag.It has 4 attributes the source file,alternative text,width,and height.

➡️<img src="img.jpg" alt="" width="100" height="102">⬅️

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