Human Resources And Covid
· 74
Fatima Fatima

The first beginnings of human resource management were the formation of unions for groups of craftsmen in order to improve their working conditions. These unions were the first pavement for what is known as the Trade Union. The role of human resource management has emerged more at the end of the eighteenth century due to the industrial revolution and in this period no longer There is a direct connection between the owners of money and the employees as it was because of the preoccupation of the owners of money and also because of the appointment of managers to play this role. As a result of technological development, the role of trade unions emerged, which had an effective impact on the work environment and the emergence of personnel management, where the situation in that administration remained on a limited role until the sixties of this century. Human resource management has become at the present time an essential part of institutions, and it has evolved and expanded to become a complete management of human resources instead of a single employee, and it has contributed to the competitive position of the institution as well as to its profitability.

From the people Human resource development is a dynamic, evolving, continuous, and empowered process. Individual human development is multidimensional, and it affects the cognitive, emotional, physical and spiritual aspects of a person. These definitions recognize the strengths and weaknesses of human beings as well as their capabilities.

organizational life. In the world of business and industry, an organization must establish a set of formal structures. Top management now realizes that productivity goals depend to a large extent on the application of the Law of Integrated Human Performance or simply the Law of Performance which states that “the time it takes an individual to perform a given task—completely and correctly—decreases the number of times the person performs the task.” ". Hence, with the increase in the number of practices, so does one's prowess. The great impact of this law becomes clear when one looks at its application over several tasks, over several days, months and years. The high level of performance depends on the different values ​​of motivation and abilities according to the equation Strength of performance = a function (motivation x abilities). Workforce is not just a means to an end but rather, it is the force that gives an organization life, vitality, and power. The nature of life in an organization - as reflected in the ability to grow, functional activity, and continuous development - motivates responsible management to plan more comprehensive programs (holistic programs in the sense of programs that make a steady effort to perform their tasks to the fullest in the body, mind, emotions, and spirit) that goes beyond the mere development of workers' technical skills to broader personal and professional development, and since more women have joined the workforce, these inclusive programs have been reinforced with more gender-sensitive terminology.

In order to operate, a company needs resources such as financial resources, raw materials and most importantly human resources. The last in the male (human resource) is the most important because without labor force there can be no production. The human resource refers to the cadre of workers. The human resource is the most critical resource for any company because it is the most flexible among other resources. Workers are human beings who are capable of innovation. They can change the environment in which they find themselves. They come up with new ideas about what to do, unlike machines, or computers, which can only do exactly what they are asked to do. And they are able to perform not only a gradual, well-defined and pre-determined series of steps, but also something more creative. They are sensitive to privacy. They have some basic rights. They have notions of their own dignity that must be fulfilled. They have aspirations for a better, more satisfying life. They are also the only resource that can be considered automatic. There are some things that people do that no one can predict. How to deal with human resources? In dealing with human resources, two related phenomena are taken into account: (1) motivation and (2) development. Motivation - because we know from experience that members' reaction to an organization's demands is determined to a very large extent by whether members see it in their best interest to do what they are asked. A study of motives revealed that, in addition to good wages, good interpersonal relationships with co-workers and supervisors are what will motivate the 'Filipino' workforce to work harder than before. Development - Human resources are the only ones capable of renewal and development to a higher level of efficiency. Nevertheless, the development of the industry requires a large pool of trained cadres. Intensive preparation should precede the actual work. The term human resource development refers to the advancement of knowledge, skills, competencies, and improving the behavior of individuals within the organization for their personal and professional benefit alike and is just a component of a broad spectrum of human development.

Today the humanity is facing the 21 st  century pandemic this crisis has caused a significant damage, a severe society and community paralysis. Mainly, the most suffering field through this global disease is the business sector. Where all companies regardless their services and products are dealing with new appeared problems such as lay off employees, downsize or even close down and declare bankruptcy, causing an economic crisis that invade almost the whole countries. Due to this precise stage, HR department should plan a strategy that affects the continuity of its company. On the other side, such a pandemic will impact the reshaping and reforming the department function. Moreover, small and large companies differ in the way or dealing with global crisis like Covid-19. For this, researching such strategies, functionality, and steps for a company to survive is a must for better future and stronger built-in structures.

Covid-19 appears in 2019 and till this day the disease is evolving day after day regardless all precaution procedures. Meanwhile, we are facing the delta generation of this virus. How long this pandemic will stay ? the duration is unknown , but this crisis has shocked the world and reveals the fragileness of our system in all way especially in the business domain .

It is important to investigate the impact of Covid-19 on companies. How to reshape the HR department for handling any crisis and this includes: social distancing and remote working procedures, digitizing the companies, up scaling HR team, HR taking the driver seat in all companies, reinventing the employees’ experiences, and others. In another word, building a new technical strategy. In this research paper  the covid pandemic affects on the organizations and the company especially the HR department and the employees and the performance of them during the lock down has been shown with the advantages , the disadvantages and the challenges then the solutions,it is  with the practices working especially the remote working during this pandemic with a qualitative and secondary data and Gathering information from HR employees ,Articles  the crises that have been faced the

organizations , the researches that have been done have been  help in analyzing and concluding an effective research .

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