Learn a language
· 137
Anna maria hallak Anna maria hallak

With languages, you are at home anywhere 

Did you ever get embarrassed because someone trying to talk to you in his own language, but you didn’t understand. If yes then for sure you put that passion in your heart to learn language. So if you already have the passion and eager to learn language but you may have no time to learn, or maybe you wanna learn in a fast way. So in this blog I’m going to give you the best tips in order to learn any language you want and in a fast way 

 _ first try to surround yourself with the target language, for example if you’re willing to learn French language, ask your friends and family members who are fluent in french language to keep talking and practicing with you, and if you have no one to talk to you in the target language then try to watch some movies or series in target language with a subtitles of your mother language, you can listen to some songs also and read it’s lyrics. 

- second, have a clear goal before you start, for example put your target in front of you and think why do you wanna learn and what are the most important words or sentences for you to know, then you can learn these words before other ones. 

- Find the best learning activities for you, which means that you have to look to the way that your mind may understand it the best, like watching movies, listening to songs, talking to others.. in actually mine was to listen to music and it really worked so good. 

- And finally, you can use memorization techniques, and this means that you have to keep learning and memorizing the words in anyway your mind will prefer and adopt to it more. 

Let me give you some applications as a hint to start learning your target language: 

- Duolingo: this app have many levels, that you go through it step by step, and it also help you to memorize the words by keep repeating it. 

- Hello Talk: and this app help you to practice your target language by conversation with others. 

And many other apps you can use, just to learn your target language, you can search about them using Google or your phone store. 

See, i told you learning language is not something so hard, so try to learn your target language as soon as possible and keep passionate and get the eager for it.

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