Linux probably isn't for you
· 582
Wajdi Alkayal Wajdi Alkayal

Linux probably isn't for you

Look, Linux isn't all bad. Linux is way good at some sectors but not good at a lot sectors. It's five years since I call myself a Debian user.
I was perfectly good with Linux as a web developer and automation engineer but got some issues while starting game development. Assets development is a lot hard, especially for 2d games.

Also, editing videos, and making graphics is a lot hard.

I once installed Linux on two of my friends' computer, they both complained to me, Word Processing softwareimage editing and gaming is a headache in Linux. We were science students, but both of them complained and forced me to install Windows back.
So, here we can see Linux is not for everyone.

If you are a tech-savvy person who loves to tinker, you'll probably have great fun using it. Also, Linux is considered to be more secure than Windows, and in many ways, it's more customised.

However, if you're the type of user who likes to press the power button and have everything just work smoothly and without hiccups, you should give it a wide berth. If you think Windows occasionally gives you a headache, you haven't seen anything yet.

And, if you think Linux is not a controversial, silent and peaceful piece of Operating system, then Linux is surely not for you. Here is a controversial (DO NOT CHECK IT, IF YOU'RE A HARDCORE LINUX FANBOY), yet good to discuss/post in the forum.

Linux based OS has some bugs, they pop while you're doing something important. You need to find the solution yourself, sometimes you could not be able to use your GUI of the PC, all you have to do is use CLI, only CLI. So, using Linux makes you strong, brave and smart. It gives you more connection with the backend of your OS.

Why Linux is not for you?

  1. Game Development
  2. Graphic design, photo editing and tweaks (For fans of Krita and GIMPS is also available in Windows, so why switch?)
  3. Gaming
  4. Video Editing
  5. Normal web browsing and emailing
  6. Word Processing

Why Linux is for you?

  1. Web development
  2. Bot development
  3. Docker and Kubernetes
  4. Machine Learning and MLOps
  5. Linux do have good FPS but lacks the actual games to play
  6. Normal web browsing and emailing

Simply, what I am trying to say is:
Use Linux only for development purposes (except Indie Game Development, because you have to struggle for simple things related to game assets, also most of the games in are built for windows, let's not talk about VirtualBox because at the end of the day we will be using windows.).

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