New year’s resolutions
· 170
Anna maria hallak Anna maria hallak

A new year resolution is a vow we make to ourselves about things we are going to do in the coming year. It can be different for different people depending upon their work, lifestyle, culture, health, etc.We are in last month of 2022 so lets talk about new year resolution and what are resolutions worth making..

So the questions keep arising. Do people stick to these resolutions? The answer can be yes or no.

Are these resolutions even worth making? Truly yes. Why? Because of a 4 letter word – HOPE.

Hope is what keeps our spirits alive. If you strongly believe in accomplishing something healthy, you will eventually find a way to do it, no matter what. It’s just that easy to comprehend.

Keep your 2023 resolutions attainable and more practical so that it would be easier for you to stick to them and achieve your yearly goals. Focus on small changes that you can obtain.

Here are some resolutions I really recommend you to make..

1. Being financially independent

People, listen up! No matter how much your partner or family earns, you should be financially stable.

2. Get your health in order

Who said eating healthy can’t be fun? Well, the year itself taught us so. There is plenty of food you can try that are healthy and tasty at the same time. If you’ve never worked out before, now is the time. Something is better than nothing. 

3. Removing negativity from your life

Leave that toxicity behind in 2022, say goodbye to negativity. Start the coming year with people who motivate you, love you, are there for you, and support you in achieving your goals.

4. Take good sleep

Being productive is cool but disturbing your sleeping pattern to get things done is not cool. This year, take a pledge to adopt good sleeping habits they are good for your mental as well as body.

5. Spend wisely

Try cutting down expenses on things you don’t use in the long run. Before buying anything ask yourself will I be able to make the most of it later or am I just only giving it to a trend? Choose things that you will use in the future. 

6. Explore new hobbies

Just like we found out how to make our favourite Momo’s or Mac n cheese in this quarantine, let’s find out more new hobbies in this too. Do what makes you happy, it can be painting, cooking, gardening, teaching, designing, writing, etc.

7. Make mental health a priority

Relax! Take some time off. Allow yourself to rest. Setting goals for improving mental health is a great way to Kickstart wellness in the coming year. Say NO to things that you don’t have time for or things you don’t want to do. Your mental health is crucial than doing the chores, meetings.

8. Live life to the fullest

Sometimes happiness is not about going to huge parties, it’s about appreciating and living in the moment with your favorite people. They can be your family, friends, etc. Life is short, enjoy every moment until it’s too late.

Avoid goals that are too big, absolute, or hard to achieve. Instead, start with realistic short goals. 

So still there are some days for next year start thinking for your resolutions from now.Good luck..

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