Online Educational System
· 144
Malak Malak

There has been a lot of controversy about how the pandemic affects the lifestyle of the new educational system. Education has undergone tremendous impact and dramatical changes, e-learning has expanded significantly, and learning is conducted through digital and remote platforms. Coronavirus COVID19 has closed schools all over the world and so on. More than 1.2 billion students worldwide are not in school. 

 The integration of information technology and education will continue to accelerate, and online education will eventually become an important part of school education. 

 According to UNESCO, more than 90% of students in 186 countries and regions around the world have been suspended from classes in part or in whole due to the coronavirus quarantine measures. 

Researchers shows that online learning increases information retention and reduces time, which means that the changes caused by the coronavirus may continue. 

 Lebanon announced that it would not expand its proposal to close schools. The local community will decide when and whether to reopen based on the number of coronavirus cases in the area. The Ministry of Health also issued guidelines for reopening schools. Wear a mask, ventilate the classroom, keep a distance, and monitor the temperature every day. 

 After returning to school, we controlled the virus together and gradually opened up society. 

 However, in order to comply with the still valid distance rules, LIU will move the desks by two meters and delay the arrival of students. Due to the COVID19 quarantine, Lebanese parents refused to send their children back to school, fearing that it would lead to more infections, especially after the development of the Delta, causing thousands of parents to ignore the government and stand up online to decide on education.

The number of new cases is on the rise, but the government’s decision has sparked fierce debate about how to meet the needs of the education system. For the safety of students and teachers. The LIU teachers can be instructed to maintain social distancing among students, as many buildings may still be closed. This may include unnecessary educational activities or unimportant courses. 

 At present, most teachers, students and mothers prefer online networks, and at least thousands of Lebanese mothers believe that the authorities cannot control it. 

 As a classmate Liu, I think it was a mistake to start traditional education before completing online education... The conditions created were even worse, especially after the high risk factors of serious economic problems in Lebanon.

Therefore, it is best to keep students at home until next year to avoid any unexpected problems that may be caused by the coronavirus pandemic, because of the outbreak of COVID19 and Delta results. 

With the sudden decline in education in many parts of the world, some people wonder whether the adoption of online learning will continue after the pandemic, and how this shift will affect the global education market. Education has changed with the sharp increase in e-learning, where teaching is done remotely and on digital platforms. 

The COVID19 pandemic changed education forever. As a result, online learning has been shown to increase information retention and take less time, meaning the changes caused by the coronavirus could continue for a long time. 

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