Purpose of true dieting
· 68
Anna maria hallak Anna maria hallak

Be yourself, because an original is worth more than a copy one 

Who didn’t thought ever about visiting a dietitian or starting any kind of diet plan? And why do we always see the thin and skinny figure is the best figure to have? 

The answer is because we are obsessed with social media and not the figure shape. 

Personally, every time i open my phone on social site, i see a post for a specific modeling girl that has a tall and thin body, and dietitians started to use these social tricks as a business to get paid by agreeing with the idea of “thin body is the perfect” 

So today, we are going to discuss about what is the true way of dieting. 

First of all, we have to keep the idea in our mind that our purpose to diet, is not to get a thin and perfect body figure, but to keep healthy and fit. 

And why do dietitians decrease our daily diet meals, instead of increasing or changing some diet meals

For example they have to increase the quantity of vitamins and iron through having meals that contain these food substance

Besides dieting plan, we have to practice daily exercises that keep our bodies fit and energetic 

So buddies, let’s through away our dieting plan papers, and start to focus on the main purpose in our dieting which is to get a healthy body and not an aesthetic one.

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