Set the CSS-only clock with the HTML <time> element
· 509
Wajdi Alkayal Wajdi Alkayal

Set the CSS-only clock with the HTML <time> element


<time id="time" datetime="2021-11-29T03:58">Now</time>
--setTimeHours: 3;
--setTimeMinutes: 58;

Attribute selectors

[datetime*="T03"] ~ .clock {
--setTimeHours: 3;
[datetime*=":58"] ~ .clock {
--setTimeMinutes: 58;
@for $i from 0 through 9 {
[datetime*="T0#{$i}"] ~ .clock { --setTimeHours: #{$i} }
@for $i from 10 through 24 {
[datetime*="T#{$i}"] ~ .clock { --setTimeHours: #{$i} }
@for $i from 0 through 9 {
[datetime*=":0#{$i}"] ~ .clock { --setTimeMinutes: #{$i} }
@for $i from 10 through 60 {
[datetime*=":#{$i}"] ~ .clock { --setTimeMinutes: #{$i} }

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