The Data Marketplace Evolution in 2022: Big Data Trends

by wajdi December 10, 2021

Data market evolution

To find hidden patterns and linkages, data and analytics executives should explore possibilities to add graph analytics into their analytics portfolios and applications.

Big data has a bright future ahead of it: improved technology and easier access to an ocean of data have given organizations the ability to acquire more insights, enhance performance, generate revenue, and innovate more quickly.In the endeavour to forecast, prepare for and respond to a global crisis and its aftermath in a proactive and rapid manner, data and analytics paired with artificial intelligence (AI) technology will be crucial.


The Cloud Management

Cloud computing is getting more inventive, instantaneous, and adaptable. Over the last year, there has been a significant movement from organizations keeping data on physical servers to firms storing data in the cloud or using a hybrid solution. Indeed, Gartner expects that by 2022, public cloud services would be required for 90% of data and analytics innovation. It’s a no-brainer to go to the cloud: it can reduce IT expenses, boost flexibility, improve efficiency, improve security and opportunities for creativity.


Artificial Intelligence Will Become Even More Intelligent

According to Gartner, 75% of firms will have gone from piloting to operationalizing AI by the end of 2024, resulting in a 5x increase in streaming data and analytics infrastructures. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is already making tremendous progress in the business world, and it will continue to increase its capacity to learn algorithms and shorten time to market. Thanks to approaches like reinforcement learning and distributed learning, businesses in 2022 will be able to tackle more complex business challenges using AI.


Data Mesh

A data mesh is a conceptually comparable and helpful architectural approach to a corporate data fabric, which Gartner named the top strategic trend for 2022. The latter is a comprehensive approach to integrating all data across a company, regardless of location, so that it can be accessed on-demand. Despite the many implementation methodologies, certain competencies for creating a data fabric have evolved. A data mesh extends this distributed architecture approach by integrating domain-specific data production, storage and cataloguing information.


Self-Service Analytics Will Rise

Companies must make fact-based choices regularly and across many departments. Many of these decisions are based on data, but not all business people are data experts. Self-service data analytics solutions enable anyone without a technical background or in-depth understanding of data analytics to access data and build or customize their reports and analyses. In 2022, firms are likely to embrace more completely self-service analytics solutions, which will allow non-technical business users to safely access and extract insights from data.


Decision Intelligence

Decision intelligence combines several fields, such as decision management and decision assistance. It covers a wide range of applications in the realm of complex adaptive systems that combine classic and advanced sciences. It gives data and analytics executives a framework for designing, composing, modelling, aligning, executing, monitoring and tuning decision models and processes in the context of business results and behaviour. When judgments need numerous logical and mathematical procedures, must be automated or semi-automated, or must be recorded and audited.


Customer Personalization Will Be King

The epidemic of COVID-19 had a massive influence on consumer behaviour. Consumers have resorted to the Internet for all of their buying requirements because brick-and-mortar companies have closed, requiring businesses to digitize more than ever. With digitization came more data and improved customer insights, despite the obstacles. Companies will develop a data-driven “Personalized Customer Experience Plan” that will allow them to target customers in ways that deliver the exact right offer at the exact right moment.


Predictive Analytics Will Increase Performance

Data analysts used to have to prepare massive volumes of data to answer problems. However, recent technological advancements and predictive methodologies have made it feasible to analyse current data to identify future issues before they arise. Companies can accurately forecast what will happen in the future thanks to modern predictive analysis, which allows any organization to drastically improve its performance by anticipating consumers’ next moves before they take them.


Augmented Data Management

To optimize and improve processes, augmented data management employs machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI). It also transforms metadata from auditing, provenance, and reporting into a source of power for dynamic systems. Large samples of operational data, such as real queries, performance statistics, and schemas, may be examined using augmented data management systems. An enhanced engine can modify operations and optimize configuration, security and performance using existing use and workload data.


Data Marketplaces and Exchanges Will Ensure a Competitive Edge

35 percent of major organisations will be data sellers or purchasers on online data marketplaces by 2022. Buying and selling data has never been easier, more cost-effective, or scalable thanks to these markets and exchanges. Organizations may use these markets to generate new income streams and obtain critical data from other firms without having to engage in lengthy negotiations. In the next years, data monetization will bring in huge sums of money.


Blockchain in Data and Analytics

Blockchain technology solves two data and analytics issues. For starters, blockchain records the whole history of assets and transactions. Second, blockchain ensures that complicated networks of actors are transparent. Aside from the restricted use cases of bitcoin and smart contracts, ledger database management systems (DBMSs) will be a more appealing solution for single-enterprise data source audits. By emphasizing the capability mismatch between data management infrastructure and blockchain technologies, data and analytics could present blockchain technologies as a complement to their existing data management infrastructure.