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Artificial intelligence was once just a buzzword, but today its impact on our daily lives is far greater than ever before.
Let us imagine that you have decided to find an online casino available in your area with great bonuses. You type a query into Google and discover Tonybet. Why were we given this answer? Because the intelligence of the system is artificial intelligence, which makes decisions to improve your user experience based on your preferences and your online behavior.
Artificial Intelligence has a huge impact on many other industries as well.
In medicine, search, languages, automobiles, and, of course, advertising, artificial intelligence has driven innovation. Here’s how we assess the impact of artificial intelligence on our daily lives.
Areas of Application of Artificial Intelligence
In this sphere, AI memory is valued, as well as the ability to generate and compare vast amounts of information.
For several years now, everyone has heard about IBM Watson and DeepMind Health (a Google development) – smart assistants that not only give advice to doctors but also figure out the genetic predisposition to pathologies. For example, IBM Watson already identifies and develops therapy plans for 13 types of malignant neoplasms: from cervical cancer to colon cancer.
Artificial intelligence even comes to the aid of patients. Telemedicine applications that collect data from fitness bracelets and other sensors, as well as “questionnaires” that establish the exact symptoms and diseases of patients, are becoming increasingly popular. For example, AI can recognize tuberculosis and disorders of internal organs, including the brain.
Some of the apps parse human speech and respond verbally, while others prefer written communication. The apps get the necessary information and then make recommendations on what to do next, or send the data to a therapist. The most popular intelligent assistants are Yours.MD and Ada, which can be downloaded from the App Store or Google Play.
Of particular importance are systems that can develop new medicines. According to Pfizer’s top manager, it takes an average of 12 years to develop and bring a new medicine to market. AI will make it possible to create the molecular structure and simulate the drug, which will increase its quality and reduce the time it takes to produce new drugs. Atomwise and Berg Health are pioneering supercomputers that solve this problem.
Large industrial companies in countries such as Japan, China, the US, Germany, and Switzerland are investing in new technologies. The trend today is toward fewer jobs involving intellectual labor and more computers.
Such jobs will suffer in the coming decades:
  • Parts collection. Every day there are more and more cuts in the workforce. A robot, by memorizing the sequence of operations, handles the joining of parts on its own.
  • Accounting calculations. Compared to humans, the machine calculates data without errors and does not keep “black” and “white” accounting, which is very beneficial for the state. Supercomputers learn and make logical decisions.
  • Replacing consultants. A robot, on a par with a human, can conduct a dialogue with a customer at a high level and give answers to standard questions. The algorithm of communication becomes more complex, due to the machine’s ability to learn and accumulate experience.
Robotization soon will also affect such professions as secretaries, cashiers, truck drivers, and waiters. An example of successful AI implementation was the H&H line plant. The technology, which tracks the gaze of workers, helped save 400 hours of training for trainees in 1 year and reduce the likelihood of accidents.
MIT Technology Review reported that Andrew Eun, a robotics and machine learning researcher, is developing a new project called Landing.AI. It aims to set up a manufacturing mechanism in factories and plants. His first partner is Foxconn, which manufactures Apple gadgets.
Soon, the field of education will be developing rapidly in two directions – adaptive learning and proctoring.
Adaptive learning is designed to solve the problem of different performances of pupils and students. The fact is that one person learns material much faster and more successfully than another. Therefore, AI will monitor the level of knowledge of the student and adapt the order of blocks of courses to his abilities or inform the teacher how well the student has mastered the material. An example of such a system could be the Third Space Learning platform, which is currently under development.
Proctoring represents the control of pupils and students during the passing of control and examination tests. Whereas in the past, students were “in the crosshairs” of a webcam, now AI comes to the rescue. It monitors how often a student takes his or her eyes off the computer screen, whether he or she changes tabs on a browser, and whether there are no extra voices in the room. As soon as the AI notices an irregularity, it immediately alerts the human lecturer.
But can the machine replace an ordinary teacher? Rosa Lukin, a professor at University College London, denies it. It is worth finding a compromise, she says. After all, the goal is not to replace teachers with machines, but to improve education. The human teacher is certainly indispensable here.
The opinion that farming and livestock are backward and old-fashioned industries is a thing of the past. Today, the intensive growth of the global AI market in the agricultural industry is caused by the following factors: introduction of the data management system, automation of irrigation, increase in productivity of crops through the introduction of learning methods and increase in the number of people on the planet. At the same time, the growth of the AI market is limited by the high cost of collecting information about agricultural lands.
The widespread introduction of robotics in agriculture is represented by such developments:
  • Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. Drones equipped with radar and GPS-monitoring spray crops, deliver dangerous chemicals reliably and take aerial pictures.
  • Robots for harvesting. While grain harvesters have been around for a long time, the robot that picks strawberries was created only recently.
  • Weed-killing AI. The Hortibot, developed by Aarhus Universitet in Denmark, recognizes and eliminates weeds in two ways: mechanically and by spot spraying with herbicides. This robot is a real breakthrough because recognizing weeds from useful plants is a great success of modern robotics in agriculture. In addition, machines that recognize pests and diseases of crops are being created.
Energias Market Research predicts that the AI market in the agricultural industry will grow by 24.3% by 2024. It will actively develop in the U.S. and the Asia-Pacific region. Agworld, Farmlogs, Cropx, Microsoft, AGCO, and others are among the central players in the smart agribusiness market.
The goal of implementing AI in this area is to fight traffic jams. Such systems are already working successfully in major cities in Europe, North America, and Asia.
Collecting information from traffic lights, analysis of traffic density, traffic accidents, weather data, and other factors that create traffic jams – these are the functions of the computer. As a result, the intelligent system monitors the roads online, predicts what the traffic will be, and according to this, switches the traffic lights.
It monitors not only the traffic on the road, but also helps the drivers. For example, if necessary, the system calls for a tow truck. This solution will not be able to get rid of traffic jams completely, but it is quite possible to speed up the traffic by several times.
Probably, progress will be notified if we see widespread use of unmanned cars, which are vehicles that can move without human intervention. They are being developed by Google, AKTIV, Tesla Motors, and some others.
Of course, everyone has heard of the “smart house”, which in the future will be a typical example of AI. The largest manufacturers are Yamaha, Siemens, Abb, Beckhoff, and Legrand.
Such developments simplify human life to the maximum. For example, such a system will open the curtains in the morning, wake up the owners and make coffee. In the future, the functionality of the “smart house” will be expanded up to the fact that the closet will automatically steam clothes and the refrigerator will order food. Such a solution will optimize costs related to power, ventilation, heating, adjusting to a convenient schedule.
Vacuum cleaners that can not only do the cleaning but also move objects and charge themselves remain popular as well.
Another example of a domestic AI application is automated translators. While in the past “machine translation” left much to be desired, today the situation has changed dramatically. Google Translate demonstrates this: the algorithm is based on the fact that the computer perceives not individual words, but a complete sentence. It allows to obtain high-quality text, so soon, this method will become the basis for automatic translation.
Human-like androids are used not only for household chores but also for communication. Iron “friend” will not let you die of boredom, and sometimes it becomes a full member of the family. So, one lucky man in China managed to marry a robot. He turned out to be engineer Zheng Jiajia, who made his own bride.
Undoubtedly, the future of humanity is intertwined with robots, because every year more and more applications of artificial intelligence are developed. Most likely, it will surpass the abilities of humans, but at the same time greatly improve the quality of their lives. The main thing here is to find reasonable limits before AI learns to reproduce itself. According to Elon Musk, it is worth taking a proactive stance and already now limiting the use of AI, at least in the military industry.


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