The Impact of Artificial Intelligence In Online Gaming

by wajdi kayal December 22, 2021

Artificial intelligence

Take a look at the impact that Artificial Intelligence has had on the online gambling industry


Over the years, we have truly witnessed the giant leaps that technology has made. Probably one of the most astounding things science has come up with is Artificial Intelligence. It came into the world with a bang. Just a few years after conception, it was able to make its way into a lot of Hollywood movies, as a villain that humanity needs to face (Age of Ultron flashbacks). Well, while the movies might have been a bit of an exaggeration, there is no denying the limitless possibilities that Artificial Intelligence opens up for us.

In fact, one of the fields which have been greatly impacted by technology is the Online Gaming Industry. If you just visit the Top 17 online casinos for Netherlands players, you would be able to see the truth behind the statement. But what exactly does it mean for the industry, and its future? In this article, we take a look at the impact that Artificial Intelligence has had on the online gambling industry.


1. Enhanced Experience

Artificial Intelligence helps in making the games more creative and vibrant. This helps in creating a more engrossing environment for the game, which in turn, helps the players to become more engrossed in the game. Obviously, this enhanced experience would encourage more and more people to try out the game, because everyone wants to escape their boring lives from time to time.

People watch movies/series, read books, indulge in hobbies, all in order to escape the mundanity of their daily lives. What better way to do that than by playing such games? You get to experience some amazing virtual worlds, as well as get the chance to earn a few quick bucks. Now that is definitely killing two birds with a stone!


2. Reduction of Human Labor

Most online games have a large number of personnel supporting them in the background. There are tech support teams, developers, and whatnot, who try to analyze the functioning of the game in real-time and take steps to improve it. Or maybe a support team who looks into customer feedback to incorporate changes into the game.

But with AI, there is no more need to do that. Artificial Intelligence can automatically register and record the changes that it needs to make because AI learns on its own. So, maybe 20-30 years down the lane, the teams required to manage the working of these games could be smaller, because AI would do a lot of their work.


3. Better Addiction Control

Because gambling addiction is so common, people generally think the worst of the industry. Most people have only heard how gambling ruins someone’s life, so gambling has a very negative image in people’s minds. People are unable to think of it as something that can be enjoyed in limited amounts. Even casinos are aware of the risks of online gambling, which is why they have strict addiction control measures.

They try to observe a player’s behavior and patterns to keep a lookout for them. But manually keeping an eye on EACH of your players can be a daunting task, and it may take months for such patterns to be noticed. But with the introduction of AI into these games, the work would be done quicker and more efficiently. This would help control gambling addiction a lot better.


4. Quicker Upgrades

With AI, it would be easier to know and understand what the players want from these games. Since AI is perfectly capable of learning and adapting, it would be able to incorporate the changes sooner. This means attentive developers on the team would be able to understand the market better and incorporate necessary changes sooner. So your favorite game could be tweaked a little, to bring it closer to your definition of fun. Quick upgrades mean users would not want to leave the game, because they would be constantly hooked by the upgrades being offered to them.


5. Fairer Gameplay

Since gambling is a legal gray area in quite a number of countries, there are a thousand rules and regulations it needs to abide by. But sometimes, it may not be possible to keep all rules and regulations in place. But AI could ensure that all rules and regulations are followed to the last letter, and it would hardly take any time to do that. Moreover, people who try to cheat or manipulate the game using hacking would be caught easily. They could be easily banned from the game, and this would ensure that other players don’t experience any unfairness within the game when they play.


6. Personalisation

Most of the time, when you go playing at an online casino, you don’t play all the games available to you. You try out a few that you think you would like, and then select your favorite ones. But, here’s the thing. If you are new and don’t know the names of the games, or the type of game that you might like,  you would be completely lost. But AI can keep track of the type of games you are clicking on, and the time you spend on these games. Based on that, it could suggest to you the kind of games that you would like. A personalized list of suggestions, only for you. As AI improves, so does its ability to understand and make decisions, which in turn, improves our gaming experience.



Everything considered Artificial Intelligence partnering up with the Online Gaming Industry could turn out to be just the pairing that we didn’t know we needed. There are many sweet benefits that it brings to the experience, and it does not make sense to refuse that.

In fact, we could just go on hoping for further improvements in AI, so that we can witness proportionate improvements in the online gaming industry as well. Until and unless AI decides to go full-on Ultron on us, we can enjoy this enhanced sensibility that AI brings to the virtual world.

What do you think of the article? Let us know your thoughts (so that we know you are a sentient being and not AI. Ha!)