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Anna maria hallak Anna maria hallak

Many times we hear that some animals like dogs have an absence of color vision, but do you know that not only animals may have this illness, but also people may have it and it’s called Achromatopsia. So today we are going to discuss about it, and it’s symptoms and we gonna see if there’s a treatment for it. 

So, what is Achromatopsia? 

Achromatopsia is a condition characterized by a partial or total absence of color vision. People with complete achromatopsia cannot perceive any colors; they see only black, white, and shades of gray. Incomplete achromatopsia is a milder form of the condition that allows some color discrimination. 

So, there’s two types of Achromatopsia

Complete and incomplete Achromatopsia

Let’s discuss about them briefly: 

Complete Achromatopsia: as i mentioned before, has a total absence of color vision, which means that people can see only white, black and a little bit of gray, but if you wanna understand it more you can take a look at x-ray  and imagine if you were seeing everything around you with the x-ray  colors only!! 

And the other type is an incomplete Achromatopsia: incomplete Achromatopsia is same as complete type, as people see black, white and shades of grey, but it’s a less serious case, as people can also perceive some limited colors. 

And secondly, let’s discuss about its symptoms : 

There are some symptoms for achromatopsia, which can be characterized by

- partial or total color blindness 

- Reduced visual acuity (sharpness of vision) 

- Sensitivity to bright light (photophobia) 

- Shaking eyes (nysyagmous) 

And finally, after discussing about achromatopsia and it’s symptoms, let’s now talk briefly about its treatment 

Unfortunately, there’s no treatment for achromatopsia at that moment, but as it is a genetic illness then we can go aside to what is called a gene therapy. 

Gene therapy is a treatment designed to restore cone function, is delivered via subretinal injection to the area of the eye where most of the cones in the retina are located.

Our eyes and vision is a grace from God that is given to us, so always be thankful to him and never complain for how God had made you.

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