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Anna maria hallak Anna maria hallak

Phobia has a large shadow, but he himself is small 

Do you have an extreme fear of a specific thing, or maybe specific place like high places and do your fear comes with some symptoms when you face it, ok then this is the time to meet your this fear which is called “phobia” and it has many symptoms and types. 

So first, what are the types of phobia? 

1- Animal phobia, such as having fear of dogs, cats, snakes,… 

2- phobia of the natural environment, such as: darkness, storms,… 

3- situational phobias, like having fear of going in escalator or going to the dentist 

4- body- based phobias 

5- sexual phobias 

But the most dangerous type of phobia is Acrophobia This is the fear of heights. It is a dangerous condition that can affect a person even when they are climbing stairs or a ladder. The fear may be so extreme that the person may not be able to move and it may be difficult to rescue them. Aerophobia: This is the fear of flying.

So if you’re facing a specific type of phobia, you have to know it’s symptoms 

Symptoms can be like: 

- Feeling unsteady, dizzy 

- Feeling like you are chocking 

- A pounding heart 

- Chest pain 

- Sweating 

- Hot or cold flushes 

- Shortness of breath 

- Nausea, vomiting 

But no worries, there are some ways to treat phobia and get rid of it 

So here are some ways to treat your phobia: 

- Take time out. It's impossible to think clearly when you're flooded with fear. 

- Breathe through panic 

- Face your fears, like if you have fear of high places, take a step, face your fear and go on high places even though you have fear of it 

- Look at the evidence 

- Don’t try to be perfect, it’s ok to admit your fears 

- Visualize a happy place 

- Talk about it, try to meet someone who can understand the term or phobia and take some advice to get rid of it. 

Having fear of something is not something to feel embarrassed, however you should not feel shy about it, but discuss about it and try to challenge your fears

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