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History of software development
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Anna maria hallak Anna maria hallak

Today almost 5.07 billion people around the world use the internet  – equivalent to 63.5 percent of the world’s total population so indirectly they use softwares as well.In this blog let's talk about brief history of computer software.. 

As we all know, software is the interface between computer systems and the humans who use them. Software consists of programming instructions and data that tell the computer how to execute various tasks. These days, instructions are generally written in a higher-level language, which is easier to use for human programmers, and then converted into low-level machine code that the computer can directly understand.

Lets talk about early days of software.. 

Computer scientist Tom Kilburn is responsible for writing the world’s very first piece of software, which was run at 11 a.m. on June 21, 1948, at the University of Manchester in England. Kilburn and his colleague Freddie Williams had built one of the earliest computers, the Manchester Small-Scale Experimental Machine (also known as the “Baby”). The SSEM was programmed to perform mathematical calculations using machine code instructions. This first piece of software took “only” 52 minutes to correctly compute the greatest divisor of 2 to the power of 18 (262,144).

And today,  software has become ubiquitous, even in places that you might not expect it, from crock pots to nuclear submarines. Some programming languages, like C and Cobol, have survived the test of time and are still in use. Other languages, such as Java and Python, are somewhat younger and have been used in countless software development projects.

So now when ever you use softwares don't forget that you have learnt about it's history from my blogs...

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