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How to deal with depression
· 132
Anna maria hallak Anna maria hallak

Depression is living in a body that fights to survive, with a mind that tries to die 

Depression is a normal disorder that may attack any person. So today we gonna discuss about depression’s symptoms, and how to get out of it, so that we can live with a better understanding of each thing that can effect us. 

So first let’s begin with what are the symptoms of depression

- persistent feeling of sadness, it is like you always feel sad and like there’s nothing can make you happy or change your mood, and it can also make you feel mad on simple things and you just wanna shout. 

- Loss of interest in activities, as long as you still having the eager to practice your favorite hobby or activity, then don’t worry you’re not depressed, because loosing the interest of practicing an activity can be one of the first symptoms that tells that you’re depressed. 

- Trouble sleeping or over sleeping, many times we just feel or express that we wanna sleep more to avoid our problems or the fact we’re living in, and also the opposite can happen when we’re not able to sleep because there are many things we’re just thinking about again and again, and that’s exactly what depressed feeling is meant to be. 

- Appetite or weight changes, during depression not only our mental health can be effected but also physical health, so we start to eat less or more as well as our we start to feel that we’re gaining or loosing weight. 

And there are many other symptoms of depression like fatigue, difficulty of thinking, instability and other symptoms too. 

Ok now after you got to know what are the symptoms, you don’t have to worry because as there are causes and symptoms, there are some ways too to get rid of depression. 

The best way to treat your depression feeling can be done by medication or psychotherapy

But if you’re not so deep in this case then you can easily apply the following in order to get out of depression: 

- travel to a new country, or even a city or village 

- Have vitamins and fresh vegetables and fruits, that can treat your appetite problem

- Communicate with friends and family members and try to go out together somewhere 

- Keep your thinking positive, and throw away negative ideas and thinking 

- Listen to music or practice any hobby you have 

- Put a daily plan or schedule and follow it so that you don’t feel boring 

- Work on your sleeping program, sleep at least 7 to 8 hours

Depression is not something that you can’t rid of, but it’s a very common case that can happen with anyone of us. So all what we have to do is to learn about its symptoms well and know how to get out of it in the best ways

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